Collo seeking to floss with somebody
SELF PROCLAIMED KING of rap and Kalasha 2012 awards emcee has done it again. He has churned out a Jazz-rap reminiscence of his hit single ‘Msichana high class’. Collo is pushing boundaries by keeping his target market guessing and wanting more. This track could have easily been an original score for a winning movie and it still can, Janet Kirina are you listening? Floss na wewe is a head-nodding type of record with amazing production by Big Soul at Bern soft Studios. Collo is definitely on a quest ???Y??\?[?????????[?Xx?&\??]??]H\??[?Y??????H?[??]]H??]?H[?X\?YH?]??X???[H?K?[??[H?K^H?]\???Z\??Y?[?[?]]H??8?'?H??x?'H??X]?]\?X?\????\?H[H???H?[X\?H?????X]?[[?H