Kalakaaris Magazine Aug 2014 | Page 55

grow into. Also, while taking it, I man? aged to overcome one of my biggest fears: heights. Looking at the image now makes me feel invincible, almost. ordinary, even if you’re taking photographs of flowers or even food. Stay genuine with your art, originality is rare but it’s also the most appreciated thing about any person. WHAT HAS BEEN ONE OF THE MOST INTEREST? ING EXPERIENCES FOR YOU WHILST OUT PHO? TOGRAPHING? - A few months ago my dad and I were out on a drive to scout for locations. I was looking for a medieval kind of place, and the only one we found had a “no trespassing” sign right outside it. Obviously, we stopped our car right there and went right in anyway. While shooting people started gathering and watch? ing as if we were filming a movie. It was so great! FINALLY, DO YOU HAVE ANY ADVICE FOR AMATEUR PHOTOGRAPHERS OR PEOPLE WHO ARE JUST DIPPING THEIR TOES IN THE PHOTO? GRAPHIC FIELD? - Don’t let what other people have to say bring you down. Take any criticism positively and implement it instead of just interpreting it as “hate”. Do something that’s out of the K I Kalakaaris Magazine I 53