Kakcho Stay Trendy Kakcho Stay Trendy Vol 1 | Page 18

In 1932’s movie, Morocco and Blonde Venus, Marlene Dietrich is shown revolting against the ‘feminine’ stereotypes by wearing a suit with a hat and smoking a cigarette while dancing at a nightclub. The word androgyny has Greek origins. It is made up of two words andro- male and gyn- female. While androgynous fashion has slipped in and out of fashion quite often, it has mostly been ridiculed and shunned. Androgynous fashion is a liberation from all the social constraints associated with masculinity and femininity. Fashion is a way of how we want the world to perceive us and gives us to the freedom to express our ‘ideal’ version to the world. Androgyny is often confused with a tomboyish-ness. Since, most people only consider there to be two genders, introducing a new one is often not welcomed or scoffed at. Though, not everyone believes or understands the idea of androgyny but because Fashion is influential, people do pay attention to it and try to incorporate and accept new trends in their everyday lives without looking at the real meaning behind it. David Bowie Boy George David Bowie and Boy George are one of the very first people who used dress and the body to question gender ideals and proposed a challenge to the notions of prevailing ideas of sexuality that can only be described through masculinity and femininity. With the Fashion getting more open to accepting the i dea of Androgyny, Androgyny has made its way subtly and then more openly in the mainstream culture in the recent years. 18