Kakcho Stay Trendy Kakcho Stay Trendy Vol 1 | Page 108

GLAM ROCK, PUNK, AND UNISEX David Bowie is seen as the pioneer of this fashion trend, which includes shiny fabrics, metallics, ruffles, satin blouses, bold colours, tight pants, platform shoes, unique makeup, and dyed hair. This extravagant staple look of ‘70s blurred the lines between what was ‘typically’ feminine or masculine. Intermingled with punk trends, this is the perfect choice for a rebellious look! DISCO STYLE Another staple style of the ‘70s, it is characterised with a flashy and flamboyant look given to it by sequins, metallics, neon colours, tight pants, and high-waist pants. This glittery and bright combination is suitable for evenings. Disco style has slid back into fashion, with the designers and celebrities around the globe embracing it glamorously. 108