93 October 2-4 , 2013 was in Overland Park at the Marriott Hotel . IIABA Bob Rusbuldt led this year ’ s Eggs & Issues Panel and hosted a private breakfast for Insurpac .
94 October 15-17 , 2014 , the Leadership & Development Conference was held in Wichita at the Marriott Hotel . The keynote speaker was Todd Dewett . His speech was “ Show Your “ Old School ’ Ink : Remembering the Power of Authentic Leadership .”
95 October 7-9 , 2015 , was in Wichita at the Marriott Hotel .
96 October 5-7 , 2016 , held in Manhattan at the Bluemont Hotel . The keynote speaker was Ken Selzer , Kansas insurance commission .
97 October 4-6 , 2017 , was in Manhattan at the Bluemont Hotel .
98 October 17-19 , 2018 was in Manhattan at the Bluemont Hotel . Senator Vicki Schmidt spoke at the event . She was running for the office of Kansas Insurance Commissioner and used the event as part of her campaign .
99 October 15-16 , 2019 ’ s Leadership & Management Conference was in Manhattan at the Bluemont Hotel .
100 The 100th convention was supposed to be hosted in 2020 . However , due to the COVID-19 pandemic it was postponed to 2021 .
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100 Years of Service , 1921-2021 95