The First President ’ s Golf Classic
The first President ' s Classic Golf Tournament was on May 3 , 1985 , at the Salina Country Club with 52 attendees . Denny Poer , RGB / Schmidt , was president that year . Any proceeds from the day ' s event went toward promoting and supporting the 1985 Kansas Big " I " Insurance Youth Golf Classic .
The day ' s schedule will include golf at 1:00 p . m ., a social to relax with your favorite beverage and visit with friends , followed by an auction and dinner .
That night at dinner , a picture of the Big " I " Eagle was signed by all the attendees and given to Denny Poer . Upon his retirement , Denny presented the framed picture to the association for its history files .
The First Rural & Small Agents ’ Conference
The first Rural and Small Agents ’ Conference was January 11-12 , 1989 , in Salina . Over 190 attended and 21 exhibitors were there . The conference met with excellent responses and was deemed a huge success . Agents said it was one of the first programs they had been to that specifically addressed their needs . .
In honor of KAIA ’ s Executive Director Larry Magill , the conference was renamed the “ Larry Magill Rural and Small Agents ’ Conference ” in 2010 .
The conference made a home in Salina through 2012 . In 2013 , the conference began traveling to new destinations throughout the state . For the 100th anniversary of KAIA , the conference returned to Salina .
“ There ’ s nothing like hitting a home run your first time at bat !” - Executive Vice-President Larry Magill , 1980
100 Years of Service , 1921-2021 41