KAIA 50th Golden Anniverary
The 50th Annual Convention was in Wichita at the Broadview Hotel , October 18-19 , 1970 . A letter was sent from the association to the members for the Golden Anniversary stating :
“ Fifty years ago , a small group of visionary men brought forth an Association with a great destiny . Since that time many men have served its needs … countless more have been lifted and benefited by its existence ”.
All in attendance at our historic 50th Anniversary were honored as a prologue to the future . The speakers and program have been planned to help us grasp the future with the confidence displayed by the founders of the KAIIA .
The opening address was given by the National President Howard Leighton . Speakers at the convention included Fred R . McGinnis , the title of his speech was “ How ’ s Your Image ” and Dr . Emmett Vaughn , Professor of Insurance , University of Iowa , gave a two-part speech on “ Risk Management Techniques ”. The farewell address was given by the Honorable Frank Sullivan , Kansas Insurance Commissioner . Frank Priest made a toast at the banquet in celebration of these fifty years . The champagne was contributed by the IIA of Wichita
100 Years of Service , 1921-2021 35