Chapter 3 : 1940s
The early to mid Forties were dominated by World War II and following the end of the war the start of the Baby Boomer years , Technology advancements during wartime including the jet engine , nuclear fusion , radar , rocket technology and others later became the starting points for space exploration and improved air travel .
• The 20th Annual Convention was in Hutchinson at the Hotel Bisonte on October 9-10 , 1940 . The association extended an invitation to Oklahoma and Nebraska agents . A Board resolution was passed at the convention that read :
Whereas , we have already subscribed to the national associations resolution relative to national defense , be it resolved that in addition to their resolution we hereby resolve that members of the Kansas association go on record and pledge their allegiance to fellow agents whose agency operations may be impaired or curtailed by participation of the owner or personnel in the National Defense Program .
• The 22nd Annual Convention was in Wichita at the Hotel Broadview on October 7-9 , 1942 . War Damage insurance was the main topic . The impact of the war on agents and other problems were addressed . Those agents had an advantage over cut-rate and direct writing companies that had to travel more due to war time rationing . Lt . Colonel Arthur H . Denison spoke on “ Sabotage & War Time Defense .” Other speakers included : R . W . Forshay , Immediate Past-President of National , Alex Case of Marion , and Harry R . Rogers of Chicago spoke on fire prevention .
• The 23rd Annual Convention was in Topeka on October 27-28 , 1943 at the Hotel Jayhawk . It was called the “ War Conference .” The program geared to problems of the World War . There were many changes due to all the war activity .
A resolution was passed at the convention . It read :
WHEREAS , the tragic circumstances of this World War , with all its harrowing consequences , weighs heavily upon the hearts of all righteous men . The members of the Kansas association would feel an abiding guilt if anything was left undone that could be done by them to assist the war efforts and to bring to a conclusion the frightful loss of life daily showing the pages of history . We recognize with grateful appreciation the response that has been made by so many of our members in answering the call to arms in defense of our liberty and the preservation of our way of life ; ,
NOW , THEREFORE BE IT RESOLVED that we pledge our whole effort and our whole resources to the government in this trying time .
WHEREAS , many members of our association have been entered into the service of our country at a personal sacrifice to their business and family :
THEREFORE , BE IT RESOLVED that this association pledge the individual members to acknowledge , honor , and preserve expirations of agents so absent and ,
BE IT FURTHER RESOLVED that we commend all absent members for their loyalty and sacrifice .
• Ed Nellis of Topeka presented the need of a nationwide uniformed program to develop a national system of highways . A Board resolution was delivered to Kansas Congressmen .
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