Continued Connection
with NWTC Faculty & Staff
NWTC faculty begin and/or enhance their
connection with high school transcripted credit
instructors through the NWTC/K-12 Spring
Summit. This mentorship relationship continues
throughout the entire academic year. High school
instructors are provided mechanisms to contact
their NWTC faculty with inquiries on curriculum,
course delivery, resources, NWTC programming, etc.
NWTC recognizes our K-12 Relations as a signifi cant
strategic direction of the college and encourages
this continued relationship building. High school
instructors are encouraged to reach out to faculty
when there are questions or concerns. K-12
Relations manager and staff are also a resource
when needed.
Institutional monitoring,
oversight and transparency
Proper monitoring and oversight of transcripted
credit is provided by academic departments,
NWTC Recruitment and Academic Advising teams
and K-12 Relations team. This oversight ensures
that coursework meets higher education standards
and that students understand the potential use of
their earned credits.
Career Coaches
Did you know NWTC has Career Coaches who can:
• Organize a campus visit or a college classroom
shadow for your students
• Visit your classrooms and talk to students
about the importance of earning college credits
and how they relate to NWTC prog raming and
future careers. Other presentation topics
include but are not limited to: job outlook,
careers in demand, soft skills, resume and
cover letter writing, transfer agreements
with four year colleges and universities and
college readiness.
• Meet with your students 1:1 and provide career
• Assist with college applications, FAFSA and
Scholarship applications
To fi nd your Career Coach,
Use of Transcripted Credits
Courses off ered by NWTC for transcripted credit apply
directly to programs off ered at NWTC. These credits
will also be recognized at other Wisconsin Technical
Colleges, but may apply diff erently to program areas,
as each college may off er diff erent academic programs,
diplomas and/or certifi cates. NWTC also off ers
formalized articulation or transfer agreements with
many four-year college partners.
Information on these opportunities can be found at
Students are also able to take technical college transcripts to a four year
college to determine transferability. Students will need to advocate for
themselves with their college advisor, Registrar, and/or Records staff .
Please use the UW System Course transfer wizard as a
preliminary tool in researching course transferability:
A follow up conversation with the receiving institution on the use of the
transfer credit for the major of study is also recommended. It is always
up to the receiving institution how they will accept transfer credits.