K-OODI Magazine March 2016, Issue 4 | Page 217

tHRice uPon A tIME didN't wORk bROken saDNeSS disGUISed as FAIRy tALEs misTAkeS disgUISEd as LOve sCaRRING mY hEART, my SOuL wOUnds unSEEn aRE the MosT deadLY kiND Yet, I RIsE froM the ASheS oF pASt bRIdgeS bURNEd dESpiTE tHE obSTACLes, wALLs of fLAmes i SURVivE as aLWAys tHEy canNOT brEAK me I've ALREady bEen brOken Drawing by Amber Stanford Poem by Jason Sinner