k-hip hop music May 20 2016 | страница 12


11) Your best friend need help what you do

A) Help her/him

B) Ignore it

C) Tell you are busy

D) Try to do something

special. When you like

Jungkook ( more A)

Is your perfect guy, you are so cute you like romantic guys, going for ice cream with a cute guy. Your style is casual with a normal clothes, jeans and a shirt that shows that you are special. When you like a guy you search for an excuse to get close to that guy. When the cute guy of your class goes to talk to you, you act normal that's a great signal that means that you are cofident in yourself. In class you are the smart girl. You like when your boyfriend acts romantic with you. You like to go to the beach alone, when your best friend needs help you help him/her with no problem