Activity 6: Video Production
Making a video is a long desire for me. During my tenure as a teacher at Verchilds High School
and founded a sport page call ‘Real Sport Talk with Moses’ and video of sport event and
interviews were place on this page. There were a lot of room for improvement with the videos I
made and post on the sport site but this was due to lack of knowledge and experience. Video
production was a topic I couldn’t wait to learn, knowing it can help me to provide better video to
my sport page.
The lecturer went through the topic and demonstrates using video maker how we can make and
edit video. After which he split us in groups and were given historic areas to do our video
assignment. I took leadership role for my group and we selected Brimstone Hill as our place for
production. The Video must have in a talk over, pictures and at least one member of the group.
Receiving this information and like a child with a brand new toy, wasted no time and plan our
video production. This was fun and very resourceful as this can be use in classroom to get
particular topics of certain subjects. My lack of experience at the beginning of the lesson is now
full with knowledge of how to make a video.