Justin Moses Technology Portfolio 1 | Page 16

13 Activity 5: Photo editing (Gimps) Using paint was my means of getting my photos edited or calls a professional to design or create photos or posters for me. Paint is much easier and friendly for me to use so I grew to love using paint any time I need to edit a photo. The Lecturer, introduce Gimps, I was thinking why we need this plus I never heard of gimps until then. The idea I have to download it to my laptop even makes me angrier. I really didn’t see the need to learn Gimps. I didn’t have no choice but to give it a shot and try learn how to use gimps. It was difficult at first as I was lost but tampering on the different types of tools, I became creative and started to understand the real use of Gimps. It is same as paint but has more features that can be used to assist one in creating classroom presentations. We were given a task to create a diagram that was done by the lecturer, I didn’t get it at first try but by continuing trying over and over I eventually complete the task. One will ask me if I would use gimp again and my answer will be no as I still prefer paint but the experience in Gimp was great. We were given a home assignment to create our own photo editing by using Gimps. We were to take a classroom setting photo as our back ground and include photos of a national symbol, gimp and tux and a small note saying tux meet gimp. I completed the assignment and was also able to assist other colleagues in getting their assignment complete. The assignment was to be saved in two files , xcf file and jpg file.