Justin Moses Technology Portfolio 1 | Page 12

9 Activity 3: Excel Excel is always a topic I would love to know all about it. Spreadsheet usually gives me problems as I don’t know how to formulate the spreadsheet and put in many functions. This was an area I had to use frequent as a form teacher and most time I asked someone to do them for me. I would love to do that myself. Spreadsheet makes work easier. I can use it as a register, mark book, SBA sheets and positioning calculator. I having the knowledge to do all the things will make my work easier and also finish my task as a form teacher faster. In this topic we were taught how to set functions, which I now can use and anxious to use when I go back out as a teacher. I will use it as my mark sheet and class register. I also learned how to position the class according to grades, from first to last position. Something I had no clue of doing. I really appreciate this topic and looking forward to execute it in my daily activities such as budgeting and also when I go back into the teaching field. In our activity we were asked to make a spreadsheet of our subject area class and list at least ten names and put in their grades for our subject and different subjects, and then we were to calculate the average score and place them in position from first to last position. The task had seemed difficult but following the instructions given by the Lecturer I was able to complete the task. It was a great challenge but completing it was also a great reward. That knowledge I know will always be in me as my intention is to continue practice and also research how to do more functions in excel and my greatest source to do such task is youtube.com.