EUROPE / EUROPA MIHAI DIMA D I R E C T O R G E N E R A L o f t h e R o m a n i a n P r o b at i o n S y s t e m D i r e c t o r G e n e r a l d e l S i s t e m a d e L i b e r ta d C o n d i c i o n a l d e R u m a n i a Romania: Challenges and Paradoxes of the Probation System Rumania: Desafíos y paradojas del sistema de libertad condicional JT: What do you consider to be the main challenges and constraints of the Romanian probation system so far? ..... ... JT: ¿Cuáles son los principales retos y limitaciones del sistema de libertad condicional de Rumania hasta ahora? MD: Definitely, the most significant challenges and constraints for our jurisdiction are related to the high number of community sanctions and measures which need to be implemented by the probation staff. Nowadays, alternative sanctions are very popular among judiciary, so the increasing of the number of these local community sanctions was generated by the reform in the area of the criminal matters. So, in order to reduce this gap between our resources and the requirements of the judiciary we are obliged to start a process w