Just Real Health Magazine Just Real Health Magazine | Page 64

A Life Changer: High-Carb vs. Low-Carb

Athletes, and all others who are considering a low-carbohydrate approach to life, must not overlook the well-established fact that the foods they are choosing (meat, poultry, cheese, seafood, and eggs) dramatically increase the risks of suffering from coronary heart disease, strokes, common cancers, constipation, and obesity. There is the moral issue, too: Livestock is a top contributor and the most controllable variable in global warming and environmental destruction. I (John McDougall, MD) repeat: the most controllable variable.

Fleeting athletic stars make a difference in the diets of millions of people. However, to win the battle for our children’s and grandchildren’s futures, powerful and visible leaders need to step forward now. If presidents Obama (US), Putin (Russia), and Modi (India), pope Francis, governor Brown (California), and other world leaders stood up today and told the truth about the consequences of the human diet, the impact, beginning with their words, would favorably alter life on Planet Earth forever.

Almonds are a member of the Peach Family.