Everyone has a box that they have created. Inside that box are ideas of life and love and how it should go for him
or herself. When in a relationship, you must be mindful that both will step outside that box at one time or another....not in a defiant way, but mistakes will be made and you will not always agree.
Cliche: We are human and nobody is perfect.
Now, if someone should step out of the box, the LOVE should be no less than when you first fell. Because inside
everyone’s box, should be communication, along with commitment. What breaks down a relationship, is when
you remove the main ingredient that got you together anyway.
People like to think its the sex, the pretty face, the money, the banging body, the car....But you have to have communication to get to those things. Unless you are a complete idiot (man or woman), then LOVE is wasted on you
and there is no hope for you anyway.
Now sometimes you can step out of the box and your actions warrant not to be forgiven and a another chance
will be wasted on you. When you rebuild your box, be sure to include life lessons and keep communication and
commitment right on top.
Sometimes you can step out of the box and it can be little things, like leaving the soap in the tub, not taking the
garbage out, not putting gas in the car, etc....this is when (my opinion) the communication skills comes into play.
Cliche: A relationship is work.
Please know, talking to all your friends about your problem and not talking to the one who have the problem
with, is not good communication.
Always LOVE