Just Me Magazine - July 2017 July 2017 | Page 7

Coffee Shop Creative Consciousness One of my favorite things to do is visit coffee shops. Not so! One of THE most enjoyable things for me, in the whole wide world, is working in a coffee shop while drinking a fantastic tasting cup of coffee. Why? Because in the coffee shop, I instantly become eager to focus on things that matter to me. It’s almost like the issues that I entered with, began to resolve themselves in a delightful way and solutions began to present themselves to me. Coffee shops are all about the feelings, emotions and energies derived from the atmosphere added with a small percentage of good coffee. When I enter a coffee shop, there’s an immediate feeling that there’s nothing that I cannot be or do or have. I’m not even sure how or why this happens but I do know how it feels and what begins to happen to me. You see, most people in a coffee shop on any given day at any given time seem to be intentional about something. There seems to be a sense of Deliberate Intention among the shoppers. When have you ever visited a coffee shop and the patrons appeared to be unhappy, bitter and disconnected? Have you ever witnessed coffee shoppers looking around, wasting time, or trying to pick up other patrons? Not that there’s anything wrong with those things but from my experience, bars are more conducive. For those of you who have visited coffee shops, I’m sure you’ve experienced small group discussions, meetings, independent workers and students on laptops, tablets or reading books. The energy may not feel totally off the charts but at least there’s a neutral energy feel, typically. Most times, from my experience, the intentional energy is present and you get to be on that vibe. Now you begin to feel like you can do almost anything. At least you begin to feel better about what you know you need to do. With the deliberate intentional energy among the coffee shop patrons you can start to feel a conscious awareness that you’re utilizing your own guidance system of some sort. There is the opportunity to now experience the feeling of knowingness. Don’t you love knowing what you know? Coffee shop consciousness will allow you to feel a little bit invincible, if you take on the emotional guidance system that we all naturally possess. With this feeling of invincibleness, you are certain where you’re going. There are endless things that you can begin to think and feel in the meantime, all while ignoring some of your challenges you may have walked in with. Forget about the relationship, forget about the bills, and forget about the workweek! Coffee shop creative consciousness ends all blues…for a while, at least. So, the next time you feel overwhelmed, have hours of work to do, want to just chill out and think or simply want to try and change the world, head on over to your nearest coffee shop and create your world through your conscious awareness by trying these things: Decide that you simply want to get something done (that’s why you came!) Focus inside on your feelings while taking in the aroma, sounds, and people Get started on your intent . Yep, it’s that simple. With a continuation of visits to your local coffee shop you will begin to know and feel that you can accomplish the high energetic, creative emotions almost instantly. With the emotions, you will know that what you desire (good, bad or ugly) is on its way. When you’re accustomed to clarity flowing to you, confusion just won’t do any longer. Coffee shop Creative Consciousness will become the next best thing…if you allow it. It will also become transferable outside the coffee shop domain with a little practice. Oh, by the way, don’t forget to try a new beverage of your choice while you’re there and make some new friends. Be sure it’s a total coffee shop and not one of those in-store or food court types of coffee joints. The vibe might not be the same. Comments and suggestions are always welcomed. Love & Light Dr. Curt The Maverick Metaphysician Curtis D. Jasper, PhD, is considered by many to be a Conscious Evolutionary Guide. With the drive to be aware and the experience of the wider horizon of Reality and Spirituality, Dr. Curt has developed an extensive background in the Spiritual and Transformative elements of life; one that is both knowledge and experienced based. Dr. Curt is a Spiritual Practitioner, a Spiritual Counselor, an activist, an entrepreneur, and an Evolutionary Educator. He is a former teacher, principal and educational consultant. With a Spiritual synthesis of education, health & wellness, personal development, entrepreneurship & metaphysical counseling, Dr. Curt is commonly also regarded as a Minister of Education. His focus has always been to Educate, Inspire & Change. His new book and counseling practice will both be available January 2014. Follow him on twitter @DrCurtisDJasper and on his Facebook Community Page- Dr. Curtis D. Jasper- The Maverick Metaphysician. 7