Just Me Magazine - January 2017 Volume 1 | Page 4

Settling for the Symbolic

Bernard Creamer , Jr .
I remember in 2008 exactly how I felt watching the election results and watching Obama take the helm as the Commander in Chief of the United States . Even as an Afro-centered teacher of History , Political Science , Sociology , Financial , and Media Literacy , I got caught up in what the moment represented . I ’ ve always known that it doesn ’ t make much of a difference who the POTUS is , as America ’ s foreign and domestic policies tend not to change , and I teach this to my students . In general , America ’ s foreign policies are anchored in Manifest Destiny / Imperialism , and it ’ s domestic policies are firmly entrenched in exploiting the poor and people of color for profits . All foreign and domestic policies are children of America ’ s economic system , capitalism . Profits over people . The evil deeds required to bolster capitalism are generally carried out through America ’ s powerful media and it ’ s political system which provide Americans with the illusion of inclusion ; we get to vote , so we therefore believe that it is us , the people , who elect our leaders . Nothing is further from the truth . Corporations , banking interests , and lobbyists select this country ’ s Presidents . We reside in a “ corporatacracy ”, not a democracy . Even firmly rooted in what I ’ ve long known about American politics and it ’ s elections , I still got caught up .