Just Me Magazine - January 2017 Volume 1 | Page 13

There was a tug of war going on inside of me . I had this uncomfortable feeling of knowing that I wasn ’ t doing what I loved . I started to develop a desire for greater . This feeling was trying to pull me out of this “ stuck ” position in life . Then , I had this feeling of fear that was attempting to push me in this complacent position in life and force me to throw away my dreams . I knew that it was time for a change .
I made a decision . I was unhappy with where I was at in life and I decided to build a life that was more fulfilling . I decided to break the rules of my limited thinking . I stopped trying to predict the future and instead started focusing all of my efforts on creating the future . Instead of believing in “ I can ’ t ”, I started believing that I can do anything that I set my mind on . More importantly , I made the decision that I was no longer going to waste any more of my life doing things that did not express my heart .
What started as an idea began to shape into a dream , and every single day I strive to build this dream into a reality . I had no idea that some of the smallest steps in the right direction could end up being the biggest steps of my life .
Now , I ’ ve committed my life to being the best person I can possibly become . I am on a never-ending search to become the greatest version of myself and I am aiming to inspire and empower others to do the same .
I realize that fear , insecurities , and having a lack of belief are things that every human being deals with . I also realize that everyone has something great within them , so I ’ ve made it my personal mission in life to help others activate their greater potential and live their dreams .
Just image a world where everyone is living their dreams …
That is my vision and ever since the day I made the decision to pursue my dreams … I have never looked back !
From my humble beginnings in Indianapolis , IN , I have started two businesses and influenced youth and adults on stages in schools , universities , and conferences … as well as inspired dreamers worldwide on a daily basis with my messages that empower them to live their dreams .
I am an ordinary person with an extraordinary dream , and my dreams have influenced me to stay committed to being a better person . I ’ m here on this earth to serve and to help others realize their true potential … so as I ’ m catching and living my dreams , I am inspiring others to do the same .