Just Glitter Issue 1 | Page 6

How did Onesies get so popular?

Onesies are a comfortable wear that kids, teens & adults have a liking for. but the thing is ‘What is a onesies?’ ‘What makes it so popular?’ ‘Why would you wear PJ’s everywhere?’ Well it starts from when we use to say ‘those are for babies!’

When the Onesies crashed into town people use to think ‘what?’ thinking it was immature to wear baby wear in bed, at sleepovers & shopping centers but then developed a liking to it from who? from when? from how? people just say ‘It’s comfortable wear you must wear for the winter,’ that’s opinion but the truth is, is it got popular from a famous star just wearing it, a star that took over the girls eyes and no I’m not talking about Justin Bieber it’s One Direction.

One Direction took over with wearing jumpsuits, which took over the world just from jumpsuits but these jumpsuits were thought as onesies from the girls to boys liking (which some of the boys don’t like One Direction) but what makes them like it in another way, The kids started like it from the cute designs once the Onesie store from Japan kicked in which made the teens find that these things are the last stuff which made them wear it, when the adults started wearing it, it was from a model which model out a onesie for the store to grab the adults liking (in opinion).

Later before you know it the Onesies took over the world!


Research from these sites: http://www.theguardian.com/commentisfree/2013/jul/11/anti-onesies-petition,
