Just Cerfing Vol. 7, Issue 8, August 2016 Volume 5, Issue 3, March, 2014 | Page 54

Previous Page Table of Contents Next Page Call for Authors and Editors in the Coastal Research Library (CRL) Please Contact Series Editor, Dr. Charles W. Finkl, at: [email protected] Publish your next book in this series and benefit from being part of the largest eBook collection in Earth and Environmental Sciences Aims and Scope The aim of this book series is to disseminate information to the coastal research community. The Series covers all aspects of coastal research including but not limited to relevant aspects of geological sciences, biology (incl. ecology and coastal marine ecosystems), geomorphology (physical geography), climate, littoral oceanography, coastal hydraulics, environmental (resource) management, engineering, and remote sensing. Policy, coastal law, and relevant issues such as conflict resolution and risk management would also be covered by the Series. The scope of the Series is broad and with a unique cross-­disciplinary nature. The Series would tend to focus on topics that are of current ‐ interest and which carry some import as opposed to traditional titles that are esoteric and non-­‐controversial. Monographs as well as contributed volumes are welcomed. Guideline for submission The Series Editor welcomes proposals for series inclusion. Topics could include; geological sciences, biology (incl. ecology and coastal marine ecosystems), geomorphology (physical geography), climate, littoral oceanography, coastal hydraulics (resource) environmental management, engineering, and remote sensing. Guidelines for submission can be obtained from the Series Editor Charles Finkl, email [email protected] and the publisher Petra van Steenbergen, Senior Publishing Editor, Earth Sciences and Geography, email [email protected] Titles published: Volume 1: Global Change and Baltic Coastal Zones Edited by G. Schernewski, J. Hofstede, and T. Neumann, ISBN 978-­‐94-­‐007-­‐0399-­‐5, 296p., 2011 Volume 2: The Coastlines of the World with Google Earth By A. Scheffers, S. Scheffers, and D. Kelletat, ISBN 978-­‐94-­‐007-­‐0737-­‐5, 293p., 2012 Volume 3: Pitfalls of Shoreline Stabilization Edited by J.A.G. Cooper and O.H. Pilkey, ISBN 978--94-­-007-­-4122-­-5, 333p., 2012 Volume 4: Sand Dune Conservation, Management and Restoration By P. Doody, ISBN 978-94-007-4730-2, 303p., 2012 Volume 5: Coastal Karst Landforms Edited by M.J. Lace and J.E. Mylroie, ISBN 978-94-07-5015-9, 429p., 2013 Volume 6: Coastal Hazards Edited by C.W. Finkl, ISBN 978-94-007-5233-7, 840p., 2013 Volume 7: Groundwater in the Coastal Zones of Asia-­Pacific Edited by C. Wetzelhuetter, ISBN 978-­‐94-­‐007-­‐5647-­‐2, 382p., ‐ 2013 Submit your proposal now! More information about the series and its titles: springer.com/series/8795 When you publish with Springer your work gets the attention it deserves: ►Seamless submission, review and tracking ►Dedicated and professional editorial guidance ►Immediate global visibility and availability e.g. through SpringerLink, our eContent platform ►visited more than 450 million times per year Make your book available in all feasible formats Springer makes your book available in all formats your readers could possibly want - be it as a printed copy, an eBook (for Kindle and other applications), or a MyCopy. MyCopy - a new dimension for your book In addition to the original printed version and eBook version of your works, a third unique format is made available: MyCopy. Designed to broaden the visibility of your book and to widen its reach, it allows library patrons to order their own personal soft cover copy of your work for 24,95 EUR/USD, provided their library has access to Springer’s eBook Collection. As a Springer eBook your research becomes: ►accessible 24/7 ►available worldwide ►fully hyperlinked and integrated with other online publications ►searchable on and downloadable by book chapter level ►conveniently searchable via keywords Titles under development: Coastal Ecosystems of the World -­ A Complete Reference of Biophysical Zones and Habitats By C.W. Finkl, C. ‐ Makowski, and H. Vollmer Advances in Coastal and Marine Resources: Remote Sensing and Modeling Edited by C. W. Finkl and C. Makowski Advances in Coastal and Marine Resources: Environmental Management and Governance Edited by C.W. Finkl and C. Makowski Ecological Coastal Engineering Edited by M. Sedat Kabdaðli, V. Ş. Özgur Kirca, Nilay Elginoz, and M. Adil Akgul The Siak, a Blackwater River in the Central Sumatran Province of Riau, Indonesia: An Environmental Assessment Study EditeEdited by Tim Rixen, Wolfgang Balzer, and Joko Samiaji Ground-Penetrating Radar Applications in Coastal Research By I. Buynevich World Coastal Heritage Sites By Vanda Claudino-Sales Sediment Fluxes on Coastal Areas By Mohamed Maanan and Marc Robin Coastal Conservation and Sustainability Edited by R. Bose and C.W. Finkl Lakes of the World: Forms and Forming Processes Interpreted from Google Earth Satellite Images By Anja M. Scheffers and Dieter H. Kelletat 54 All books are also available as a traditional printed copy Why publish your book in the Coastal Research Library? ► A dynamic new book series presenting volumes of a unique cross-disciplinary nature ► Topics include all aspects of coastal research ► Multi-format publication – Hardback, paperback (via MyCopy) and eBook We look forward to receiving your book proposal for The Coastal Research Library Please contact: The Series Editor: Charles Finkl [email protected] The Publisher: [email protected] Just Cerfing Vol. 5, Issue 3, March 2014 55