Dan Granroth
My goal
is to enhance what is already beautiful.
I always enjoyed looking at photos, especially black and white ones. As soon as I moved to my own apartment at the age of twenty, I bought my first system camera and at the same time some dark room equipment. I had no idea what I was doing in the beginning but I managed to develop the basic skills of dark room work. It was great fun and I have taken photos ever since. Nowadays I have a digital system camera, a Canon 550D, mostly with a Sigma 18-200 lens mounted to it. Even though I still think BW photos more artistic I find that color gives me more to work with. I try to find the things that I think most people pass by, seeing but not noticing. However, my intention is not to depict the world as it is, most of my images are retouched in some way. Some more than others but my goal is to enhance what is already beautiful.
*View more images at Dan's blog DmG Art & Photo. Contents in this spread are copyright works of the featured photographer and were used with permission.