My country the Philippines has a population of 95 million and 90 percent of them are Catholics. It is the only predominantly Catholic country in Asia, brought about by 300 years of Spanish colonial rule which started in 1521. The influence of religion is thus ingrained and pervasive in the peoples’ psych and culture, and most evident in the places of worship. From the far-flung towns to the urban centers, church structures abound, from the modern to the centuries old. They stand as symbols of faith, much like the Muslim mosques and the Buddhist temples. To individuals like me, churches, basilicas and cathedrals are profound photographic subjects. They have this visual grandeur and alluring solemnity. They invoke an aura of peacefulness, serenity and reverence. Those are intangibles that are represented in what we can see – the shapes, form, patterns, textures, details, lines – elements which are in the microcosm of the physical church structure whether in its cavernous interior or its towering exterior. When you get the chance to tour my country, make it a point to visit the churches. First give thanks to the Almighty for all the blessings he has given you in this life, then pray that all the pictures you’ll take afterwards will be sharp, vivid, clear and in focus. Amen.
Symbols of faith
Churches, basilicas and cathedrals are profound photographic subjects. They invoke an aura of peacefulness, serenity and reverence.
Holy Trinity Church, Batangas City
Baclayon Church, Bohol
Holy Trinity Chuirch, Batangas City
Church of Our Lady of Mt. Carmel, Lipa City