Index of Articles
Art Reach ................................................................................................................. 53
Junior Auxiliary provides boxes of art supplies to area elementary students .
Best Foot Forward .................................................................................................... 20
Junior Auxiliary ’ s newest project provides local children in need with quality footwear as a supplement to the existing clothing program .
Challenge of Champions ........................................................................................... 41
Challenge of Champions focuses on improving the confidence of special needs children , fostering a bond between them and children in mainstream classrooms .
Charity Ball Court ..................................................................................................... 17
Junior Auxiliary is proud to present its 74th Annual Charity Ball Court .
Choose Kindness ...................................................................................................... 49
Choose Kindness focuses on anti-bullying by equipping students with tools to stand up to bullying , encouraging them to seek help for victims of bullying , and teaching them the difference between bullying and conflict .
Clothing / In-Depth / Clothes to Go ............................................................................. 24
Clothing and Clothes to Go aim to give children clothes for school that fit properly to help create confidence . In-Depth provides assistance for families in times of extreme circumstances .
Crown Club ............................................................................................................... 32
Crown Club is a service-based organization made up of high school sophomores and juniors and offers them an opportunity to grow through service to others in our community .
F-3 – Fit & Fabulous Forever ..................................................................................... 37
F3 targets health risk among today ’ s youth by teaching students the importance of exercise and eating healthy .
Feed to Succeed ....................................................................................................... 28
Feed to Succeed provides food to children who may not get enough to eat at home on weekends .
J . A . M . – Junior Auxiliary Mentors ............................................................................. 45
J . A . M . helps students who have specific academic needs .
Reality Fair .............................................................................................................. 61
Reality Fair offers a hands-on approach for students to understand the importance of academic excellence and making wise choices for your future .
Scholarship .............................................................................................................. 58
Scholarship provides funds for students ’ higher education .