Junior Auxiliary of Columbus 2024 | Page 34

Crown Club members participate in one of their beloved projects , chalking sidewalks , at local elementary schools to welcome students back from summer break .

Crown Club promotes service and leadership

The Junior Auxiliary of Columbus Crown Club , now in its third year , is a service-based organization comprised of thirty-two high school sophomores and juniors . These incredible young ladies , selected through a competitive application process , represent the student bodies at Caledonia High School , Columbus High School , Heritage Academy , New Hope High School , Victory Christian Academy , and West Lowndes High School . They are led by a board of Crown Club members and are advised by members of the Junior Auxiliary of Columbus .
Crown Club members can grow through service to others in our community by participating in the organization . When Isabella Allison , Communications Chair of Crown Club , was asked about her experience in Club Crown , she said , “ Being a part of Crown Club has been a great and rewarding experience for me . It has allowed me to meet many great people from our city and show me the importance of community . A better community requires the active service of its members . I have learned and come to appreciate our role in making the place we live more positive .”
The program develops leadership and volunteering and fosters an interest in the social , economic , educational , civic , and cultural conditions around its members . Crown Club meets monthly , and at those meetings , they hear from community leaders and plan and implement their service projects . Some of Crown Club ’ s projects include : chalking sidewalks at local elementary schools with encouraging
Members of Junior Auxiliary ’ s Crown Club pose for a photo at the Hitching Lot Farmers ’ Market , where they offered face painting to local children .
Members of the 2023-2024 Crown Club pose for a group photo at the Junior Auxiliary Hut .
welcome back messages , collecting and distributing “ Essentials 2 Go ” personal hygiene products to five area high schools , a book drive to fill area Little Free Libraries , volunteering at HEARTS Tutoring Center , spending time with residents at local assisted living facilities , and serving at local community events such as the Hitching Lot Farmers ’ Market and Downtown ’ s Art Walk . New this year to Crown Club was a previous Junior Auxiliary of Columbus project called S . T . A . R . S ( Students Talking and Rehearsing for Success ). Over several weeks , the S . T . A . R . S Committee worked with Crown Club members creating resumes and enhancing interview skills and ended the project with mock interviews to help prepare these young leaders for future endeavors .
Applications for Crown Club membership are released in the spring of each year .
32 Junior Auxiliary of Columbus , Mississippi , Inc . Report to the Community 2024