Feed to Succeed is a |
food backpack program for |
local students that provides |
supplemental food items for |
children who depend on the |
school system for food and |
may not be getting enough |
to eat at home on weekends |
. The project was created |
by the Junior Auxiliary |
of Columbus Class of 2025 , |
who felt called to go back to |
the core roots of the Junior |
Auxiliary organization and |
provide for the basic human |
needs of children in the |
community .
School counselors refer the children to Junior Auxiliary of Columbus , whose members organize and deliver
Heather Brignac and Anna Chappell are all smiles as they pack Thanksgiving dinners . This year , sixty-four Thanksgiving meals were delivered to families as part of the program . |
Amber Brislin is ready to deliver meals to area schools . |
food to the schools on |
livered Thanksgiving meals , |
family . Thanksgiving should |
a monthly basis . The food , |
and Christmas treats to the |
be a time for families to |
tal food on the weekends . |
which is purchased through |
students . “ Providing food |
spend together without the |
The project currently serves |
the Mississippi Food Network |
security allows kids to focus |
worry of having enough to |
West Lowndes Elementary |
, is then sent home |
on being kids . With hun- |
eat .” -Anna Chappell , 2023- |
School , Sale Elementary |
with the identified students |
ger being less of a distraction |
2024 Committee Chair . |
School , Columbus Mid- |
each Friday . In addition |
, they are free to learn , |
Feed to Succeed is curdle |
School , and Caledonia |
to those food packs , and |
play , and grow as children |
rently in its fifth year , and |
Middle School . During the |
because we love to go above |
should . Thanksgiving meals |
thanks to generous donations |
first semester of the 2023- |
and beyond for our Feed to |
are my favorite part of the |
, has expanded to meet |
2024 school year , 974 food |
Succeed students , committee |
project because it allows |
the needs of more local chil- |
packs were delivered to the |
members have also de- |
us to support the entire |
dren in need of supplemen- |
schools . |
28 |
Junior Auxiliary of Columbus , Mississippi , Inc . |
Report to the Community 2024 |