Junior Auxiliary of Columbus 2024 | Page 30

Members of the Feed to Succeed Committee pose with Christmas stockings . This year , eighty-nine Christmas stockings were delivered to local families as part of the food backpack program . Each stocking held holiday snacks , activity books , hygiene items , and a kid favorite , slime .

Feeding children to a brighter future

Feed to Succeed is a
food backpack program for
local students that provides
supplemental food items for
children who depend on the
school system for food and
may not be getting enough
to eat at home on weekends
. The project was created
by the Junior Auxiliary
of Columbus Class of 2025 ,
who felt called to go back to
the core roots of the Junior
Auxiliary organization and
provide for the basic human
needs of children in the
community .
School counselors refer the children to Junior Auxiliary of Columbus , whose members organize and deliver
Heather Brignac and Anna Chappell are all smiles as they pack Thanksgiving dinners . This year , sixty-four Thanksgiving meals were delivered to families as part of the program .
Amber Brislin is ready to deliver meals to area schools .
food to the schools on
livered Thanksgiving meals ,
family . Thanksgiving should
a monthly basis . The food ,
and Christmas treats to the
be a time for families to
tal food on the weekends .
which is purchased through
students . “ Providing food
spend together without the
The project currently serves
the Mississippi Food Network
security allows kids to focus
worry of having enough to
West Lowndes Elementary
, is then sent home
on being kids . With hun-
eat .” -Anna Chappell , 2023-
School , Sale Elementary
with the identified students
ger being less of a distraction
2024 Committee Chair .
School , Columbus Mid-
each Friday . In addition
, they are free to learn ,
Feed to Succeed is curdle
School , and Caledonia
to those food packs , and
play , and grow as children
rently in its fifth year , and
Middle School . During the
because we love to go above
should . Thanksgiving meals
thanks to generous donations
first semester of the 2023-
and beyond for our Feed to
are my favorite part of the
, has expanded to meet
2024 school year , 974 food
Succeed students , committee
project because it allows
the needs of more local chil-
packs were delivered to the
members have also de-
us to support the entire
dren in need of supplemen-
schools .
Junior Auxiliary of Columbus , Mississippi , Inc .
Report to the Community 2024