Junior Auxiliary of Columbus 2024 | Page 26

Active member Kandace Mordecai prepares a bag of clothes for a child in need .
Active member Chaney Fair is ready to deliver Clothes to Go bags to area schools .

Clothing project champions confidence

One cannot deny the power of
circumstances , usually due to house
wearing nice , clean , well-fitting clothes
fires , floods , or tornadoes . Members
and its direct correlation to a positive
have worked to provide assistance to
self-image . In 1942 , the ladies of
over 26 children for the 2023-2024
Junior Auxiliary of Columbus saw the
year .
need in the Lowndes County community
Junior Auxiliary of Columbus also
and took action , and the clothing
operates Clothes to Go , a clothing
project was born . The Clothing Project
delivery project that provides uni-
, which consists of non-uniform ,
form clothing to all Columbus City
In-Depth , and Clothes to Go clothing ,
Schools . Initially developed in 2020
is Junior Auxiliary of Columbus ’ longest
as a trial extension of our tradition-
running project , and it seeks to
al clothing project , Clothes to Go
promote a more positive self-image by
reduces the challenges parents face
helping children feel more confident .
making their clothing appointments
Counselors , teachers , and principals
due to transportation or scheduling
from Lowndes County Schools refer
conflicts . School guidance counselors
children to Junior Auxiliary of Columbus
refer children to Clothes to Go after
for non-uniform clothing . After
identifying the need and fitting them
the referral process is completed ,
at the school , just as Junior Auxiliary
members contact the parent or guardian
members would during a traditional
and complete an interview process
clothing appointment . Junior Auxilia-
during which information is gathered
ry committee members then pack the
to determine if assistance is needed .
clothing bags for delivery to the school
After a child has been found to be a
every Friday morning . For the 2023-
candidate for this project , a private
2024 year , members have worked to
clothing appointment is scheduled at
provide clothes to go to over 150 area
the Junior Auxiliary Hut . There , members
school children .
meet with the child and guardian
Junior Auxiliary of Columbus
and provide a wardrobe consisting of shirts , pants , socks , undergarments ,
Junior Auxiliary members take measurements
strives to make a difference in the lives of children who give the brightest
a coat , a belt , and a hygiene bag .
during a clothing appoint-
of smiles and words of appreciation
Non-uniform clothing operates from
ment .
that are not just solely intended for
July through March . For the 2023-
our members , but also shared with
2024 year , members have worked
Another component of the Junior
those in our community whose generous
to provide clothing to over 215 area
Auxiliary of Columbus clothing project
donations allow us to continue
school children . One grateful student
provides much needed and fast
serving their needs . Thank you for
who was clothed in the fall semester
assistance in times of unforeseeable
your support of Junior Auxiliary of
said , “ Thank you so much for all of
tragedy . Known as “ In-Depth ,” this
Columbus and our continued effort to
these clothes ! It feels like Christmas
project provides immediate clothing
serve and provide aid to the children
came early !”
assistance for families in extreme
of Lowndes County .
Junior Auxiliary of Columbus , Mississippi , Inc .
Report to the Community 2024