JUNE NSE 2024 US 2024 | Page 23

* Standard Fleet terms and conditions apply to promotional items received at no additional charge .
** Some trades restricted from the spend offer that includes the EXO-O1 . Contact your Hilti representative for eligibility .
Offers valid June 3 -28 , 2024 through all Hilti Stores , Customer Service , and the Hilti website , unless otherwise noted . Prices do not include tax or shipping . Hilti may cancel offers at any time without notice . Offers only apply to purchases direct from Hilti and only available while supplies last . Promotional item number ( s ) for the Bits , Blades and Chisels , Storefront , Handrail , Hanging Boards , Track Fastening and Cable Fastening & Wire Hanging Special Offers must be included on the initial qualifying order and these offers cannot be purchased online . Limit of 10 promotional items per customer on each of the Bits , Blades and Chisels , Storefront , Handrail , Hanging Boards , Track Fastening and Cable Fastening & Wire Hanging purchase and receive special offers . May not be combined with any other offer . Offers with spend thresholds cannot be combined or stacked . Offers are not available to Authorized Distributors , resellers or national rental customers . Rental customers should contact their Hilti representative regarding eligibility . Offers void where prohibited or restricted by law , regulation , or customer rules . Government accounts may participate if their procurement rules allow . Return of product which results in initial order falling below qualifying levels will result in promotional item being billed to purchaser at full value . Separate orders may not be combined to reach qualifying levels . Past orders do not qualify . Monthly charges require a Fleet account . See your Hilti representative for details .
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Hilti , Inc . 1-800-879-8000 | en español 1-800-879-5000 www . hilti . com