June Newsletter 2020 | Page 2

Father’s Day at The Orchards After some long-awaited cooperating conditions, Mary Anne Mayes enjoying the sun on her face and the breeze in her hair. BENEFITS OF SUNSHINE Sunshine, in moderation, has benefits to help improve your mental and physical happiness. Moderate sunlight exposure helps to improve your mood and focus by boosting the serotonin levels in your body. Since regular sun exposure is one of the most robust ways to up active Vitamin-D levels in your body, it can help beef up your immune system. In addition, moderate exposure to the sun’s UV rays can cause a significant drop in blood pressure levels. Find out more benefits at https://www.forbes.com/sites/ nomanazish/2018/02/28/whysunlight-is-actually-good-foryou/#9439f5b5cd9b The-Orchards.com FATHER’S DAY Father’s Day, celebrated on June 21st, is a time for us to honor the men in our lives. Our brothers, uncles, grandfathers, fathers, and husbands will be celebrated on this day. You are invited to submit Letters of Love and pictures that will be printed out for your loved one. For Pepperberry Suites, Peachtree Inn, the Rehab Suites and The Orchards of East Liverpool please email these to [email protected] by June 19th at noon. We will also be scheduling FaceTime calls for our men. To reserve your time slot, please call Laura at 304-459-3915 by June 17th at noon. The Stone Pear Pavilion will honor our fathers with a Father’s Day Ice Cream “Sunday” special on June 21st. Plan to stop for a window or FaceTime visit to let that special man in your life know he is thought of! NATIONAL SKILLED NURSING CARE WEEK The Stone Pear Pavilion celebrated National Skilled Nursing Care Week last month with week-long activities for residents and staff with the national theme “Sharing Our Wisdom.” During the week, residents and staff contributed a living message to share on our “Tree of Wisdom.” Special thanks to Norma Welsh for designing our tree. Special congratulations to our winners this year of Jim’s daily gift card drawings: Amya Willis, Tonya Barr, Patricia Powers, Christine Farnsworth and Cheryl Carter.