June-July 2022 Issue #5 MM | Page 13

Their deaths might be read as coded suicides ( Vecna tells Max that after Billy ’ s death she also wanted to die , and the way many characters discuss the surprising and sudden nature of the deaths seems in keeping with reactions to suicidality ). Henry Creel ’ s story itself gestures to a very dark outcome of social alienation ; his rampage through the lab is hard not to read against the backdrop of school shootings . ( Particularly , when he tells Eleven to “ stay put ,” which reads like the “ stay home ” request of real-life gunmen .)
Ultimately , the series will have to grapple with the nature of the Upside Down — both thematically and metaphysically .
How might Eleven ’ s conclusions about the true source of her power help defeat Vecna ? Perhaps she won ’ t . Perhaps instead of defeating him again , Eleven will try to save him . This outcome feels more in keeping with the season ’ s themes .
Maybe time travel will aid in this endeavor . Maybe no one who died has to stay dead .