June/July 2022 ASCE-NH Newsletter June/July 2022 | Page 18

May 2022 ASCE-NH Lunch and Learn Webinar Summary
The May 2022 ASCE-NH lunch and learn occurred virtually as a Webinar via Zoom Video Communications . There were over 70 attendees during the event and the Webinar was another excellent opportunity for Members of the Sections ( and Non-Members ) to gather remotely , receive PDHs , and engage in an interesting topic .
The Webinar was led by Dave Brogan PE of GeoStabilization International ( GSI ). Mr . Brogan opened up a new and interesting topic for many folks expanding on a concept that many were familiar with , but perhaps not in the context as presented . Mr . Brogan spoke on Geotechnical Asset Management and Monitoring . While many in the room are keenly aware of asset management and its critical importance to the maintenance and upkeep of infrastructure such as embankments and walls , less actively think about other geotechnical aspects of this field such as subgrades and slopes such as the gravels beneath and adjacent to roadways , how those roadways were built , and how the geologic conditions in an area are critical to the vitality of important assets .
Mr . Brogan started by introducing the concept and describing some of the traditional site characterization methods like borings and survey for geotechnical asset management as well as some of the advanced methods currently used such as unmanned aerial systems ( drones ), LIDAR point clouds , and other advanced modeling techniques . Both methods have their advantages and disadvantages and were well explained and described . Lastly , Mr . Brogan gave a detailed and extremely valuable case study showing a critical road connecting two remote areas that had and continued to have slope failures and roadway structural issues over the past several decades , especially after significant storms . The case study displayed the benefit and huge value added in analyzing and making sound engineering decisions using geotechnical asset management and the combination of existing and emergency technologies to minimize costs for client while still creating permanent and lasting solutions . The case study showed how fully understanding all aspects of a asset such as a road including its retaining walls , side slopes , base materials , culverts , and hydraulic patterns are critical to the overall health of the system .
Thank you to Dave for his time and effort to make this Webinar an exceptional learning experience . Please look for more Webinar opportunities from the ASCE-NH Section in the coming months .