June/July 2022 ASCE-NH Newsletter June/July 2022 | 页面 3
I hope that everyone is having a great Summer !!
ASCE-NH just completed our Annual Meeting , which was the final event of the 2021 / 2022 Program Year . Through our annual fundraising events ( Scholarship Golf Tournament and ASCE-NH / Shea Concrete Engineers Day Conference ), the Section was again able to award $ 20,000 in scholarships during the Meeting . Congratulations to the seven recipients ( two UNH students & five high school graduates ) and thank you to all who contributed throughout the year to this important initiative !
Additionally , for those that did not attend the Annual Meeting , ASCE-NH awarded the 2022 Outstanding Civil Engineering Award ( OCEA ) to the City of Portsmouth and AECOM for the Pierce Island WWTF Upgrade Project . Attendees were treated to an outstanding presentation by the City of Portsmouth City Engineer , Terry Desmarais , P . E ., and Associate Vice President of AECOM , Erik Meserve . I would again like to thank / congratulate Terry and Erik for their success with the project ; read more about the OCEA project / presentation within this Newsletter .
Thank you to everyone that made this Program Year a success ! We were able to navigate another year of mostly virtual Joint Meetings / Lunch and Learn Webinars . Consistent attendance of 80-100 participants provided motivation to keep the initiative going . I greatly appreciate the time and effort that all of the presenters dedicated to the ASCE-NH membership ; likewise , I appreciate everyone that took the time to attend . The high-level content definitely made these PDH seminars interesting / worth the time , and I look forward to them continuing in the winter .
I wish the new leadership team all the best as we transition into the 2022 / 2023 Program Year . Congratulations to ASCE-NH ’ s newly sworn-in President ( Owen Friend-Gray ), President-Elect ( Nick Golon ), Treasurer ( Kyle Higgins ), Senior New England Delegate ( Tom Sachs ) and Junior New England Delegate ( Michael Eno ). Thank you for your years of service to past Senior New England Delegate , Trevor Yandow , and Nick Golon for his many years as Treasurer . I now look forward to moving into my role as Past-President and can ’ t wait to see everyone at the Golf Tournament in August !
Be safe and I wish you all the best !!
Aaron Cheever , P . E . ASCE-NH President
June/July 2022 ASCE-NH Newsletter June/July 2022 | 页面 2
June/July 2022 ASCE-NH Newsletter June/July 2022 | 页面 4