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The Colebrook Chronicle
Friday, June 3, 2016
Around The Region
Cookshire Fair president Robert Addis, Mike Campagna and Caleb
Campagna were found on hand preparing for the popular annual
Cookshire Fair Pork and Beef Mechoui this week. Corey Bellam photo.
This past Saturday we stopped in at the Sawyerville Baptist Church where Craig McBurney was teaching
the youngsters all about bike safety. Corey Bellam photo.
Longtime Antique Machinery Club member Dallas Campbell with
one of his tried and true motors at Crank Day. Corey Bellam photo.
Sunday morning the sound of
old motors putting away was
heard at the Cookshire Fairgrounds. It was the Eastern
Townships’ Antique Machinery
Crank Day.
Crank Day is a day that all
members are invited to crank up
their old engines and inventions
and have a good visit between
friends in a relaxed setting. The
fun all kicked off at 10 a.m. when
a longtime member of this club
started up his old Wisconsin
engine. That old motor purrs like
a kitten. David Lord from the
Compton area was also there
with his homemade knitting
machine giving demos and showing how they are made. When we
asked him how many he makes
a year, we were told approximately 20.
Then all of a sudden, in drives
Elmer Andrews pulling a trailer.
We all wonder what kind of
invention he's bringing this year.
This year Elmer had a plow
hooked up behind a 1.5 hp engine
powering two drive wheels.
When asked if it works well, he
said, “Sure does. I used it to plow
my garden this year.” He also
has disk harrows that hook
behind to level up his plowing.
This day draws out the members of the club such as David
Lord, Elmer Andrews, Gary Dunsmore, Delmar Fisher, Phil Reed,
Dallas Campbell, Fred Sarrasin,
Mike Harbinson, Gordon Barnett
and others. This group livened
up the day with many stories and
lots of laughs. At noon a potluck
dinner was served to all and that
pretty much wrapped up the day.
–Corey Bellam
Saturday morning, at around
8:30 a.m., Mike Campagna,
Caleb Campagna and Fair president Robert Addis rolled into the
Cookshire Fairgrounds to start
preparing for the annual Cookshire Fair Pork and Beef
Mechoui that usually draws over
400 people from all over the
region. We arrived to find these
three fellows hard at work cooking the huge rolls of meat which
consisted of over 250 pounds of
beef and over 150 pounds of pork,
all cooking to perfection over a
wood fire. The smell was mouth
watering. Dallas Campbell was
just beside cooking baked potatoes over a wood fire. We have no
idea how many pounds, but there
were a lot of potatoes. This barbecue has been going on over 25
years and they are planning on
holding it as longs as they can.
This year, like many past years,
Rainer Lowry sliced the beef and
David Grey handled the pork.
Between these tw o men they
sliced a lot of meat. The ladies
were busy dishing out the vegetables, salad, baked potatoes,
gravy, cake and assorted drinks
to a seemingly never ending flow
of people. We’re very sure they
surpassed 400 people this year.
The Cookshire Fair board
holds a lot of fund raising events
throughout the year, as it costs
a lot to hold a fair every year.
This meal was followed by a
night of dancing put on by the
Sawyerville 4-H members. Sawyerville 4-H plays a huge part in
the Cookshire Fair, a perfect
partner for any fair. The line was
long to get your food but the
reward was worth the wait.
–Corey Bellam
A couple months ago while
eating at the Lennoxville McDonalds, we came in contact with
Lenny Beland and he was telling
us about this upcoming Garage
Sale at the Sherbrooke Snowshoe
Club, located at 1900 Prospect
St. in Sherbrooke. The sale was
on the 28 and 29 of May, and on
Saturday morning we hit the
road to Sherbrooke to attend the
sale. Upon entering we were
amazed with the amount of
things for sale to include glassware, electronics, furniture,
knick knacks, linens, appliances,
(Continued on page 15)
The afternoon of May 25, the East Angus Rest Retirement Home
hosted musical entertainment with Lydia Gasse on her violin and
Karl Mongrain on piano. This musical duo played many old time
favorites like “Moon River,” “Somewhere Over the Rainbow,” and
many other favorites. Corey Bellam photo.
Around a dozen children did an obstacle course using their newly
learned to hand signals during the bike safety demonstration by the
Sawyerville Baptist Church. Corey Bellam photo.