June 2024 | Page 12

Free Sundays

Celebrating RI ’ s Colorful Diversity

“ Do unto others as you would have them do unto you .”
— The Golden Rule

Nancy Elizabeth Prophet

I Will Not Bend an Inch

Free Sundays
Nancy Elizabeth Prophet , Silence , 1920s . Gift of Miss Ellen D . Sharpe . RISD Museum , Providence , RI .
Nancy Elizabeth Prophet , Silence , 1926 – 1931 . Nancy Elizabeth Prophet Collection ,
James P . Adams Library , Rhode Island College
I have long been a Norman Rockwell groupie . He was recognized for his sentimental
paintings of modern America and his contributions to the country ’ s political and social discourse , no matter how unsettling or uncomfortable .
He was also responsible for many iconic Saturday Evening Post covers over the course of five decades — another reason for my affinity .
During World War II , President Franklin D . Roosevelt spoke of the four freedoms : the freedom of speech , freedom of worship , freedom from want and freedom from fear . Rockwell memorialized each of them on canvas .
He also painted many works in later years that embodied his belief in tolerance and acceptance . His 1961 painting , “ Golden Rule ,” shows the diversity of the human race with a colorful canvas of men , women and children of various cultures and religious backgrounds . I have always thought of the state of Rhode Island as just that : a mosaic of different faces , backgrounds , creeds and cultures .
In this issue , we celebrate a vital part of that mosaic with Pride month and our fellow LGBTQ + Rhode Islanders . They are community leaders , artists , successful business folks and contributors to the mojo of the state . They are our neighbors , folks we do business with daily and rely on in everyday life .
Editors Dana Laverty and Kait Murray have put together a comprehensive Pride Guide , which shines a light on LGBTQ + gatherings , events , local businesses and resources . In addition , photographer Chad Weeden , working with Creative Director Doreen Chisnell , created “ Faces of Pride ,” another important part of our mosaic in which members of the queer community define what Pride means to them .
In other Rhody news , we have heard ad nauseum about the ongoing saga of the Washington Bridge , the “ day of reckoning ” secret documents , emails and texts all worthy of a true-life Netflix nail-biter .
Managing Editor Dana Laverty dives off the bridge into the East Bay and talks with many small business owners faced with the next challenge in “ Bridge to Nowhere .” Whether you ’ re an East Providence Townie or live on the East Side of Providence , the two-year — or maybe more — ordeal ahead is yet another hurdle for small businesses that just survived the pandemic .
Lastly , the votes are in and planning is well underway for the thirty-first annual Best of Rhode Island Party at the WaterFire Arts Center on July 25 . Tickets go on sale this month , and despite the larger venue we are anticipating another sellout event .
Happy Pride month to our many friends and family members who will be celebrating their roles and contributions to our community .
To the Rhode ahead . — J . J . P .