Issue Number 23 | June 2024
Modern Studies – Police Scotland !
Written by Dr MacKenzie , Social Subjects
S4 pupils have been investigating the role , powers and branches of Police Scotland as part of our ‘ Crime and the Law ’ unit . On 3 June the class was joined by Detective Constable Allan Davison . He had been part of the Police Scotland team which investigated a high-profile murder case and featured in the BBC documentary ‘ Murder Case : The Disappearance of Julie Reilly ’, which the class had recently watched and found extremely interesting .
Allan delivered a presentation to the class which focused on the Julie Reilly case , as well as other cases he has worked on in his career . The presentation was followed by a Q & A session , which everyone fully participated in . Allan ’ s visit has given the class further insight into the work of the police , as well as providing real life examples that they can use in their exam answers and primary research that could contribute to a National 5 Assignment on Police Scotland . A big thank you to Detective Constable Davison for sharing his experiences with our National Students .
STEM Awards
Our annual STEM Awards Assembly took this term with all new S2 pupils . An amazing number of students completed the award this year , with record numbers at Gold and Silver level , which is a testament to the work of STEM teacher leads and the young people .
Special mention to class 2P2 who achieved a fantastic 12 Gold awards in total . Many thanks to Dr Spencer for leading on this and to our visiting guest STEM Ambassador , Tenyon Latter , who gave a keynote talk to the group 12 on his role within the Merchant Navy .