JUNE 2023 - GOOD NEWS issue to publish online | Page 20

June is National Men ' s Health Month
PHONE : 570-769-2877


Living -- pages 18 - 22

To your Health !

June is National Men ' s Health Month
It ’ s easy to look past ordinary health practices as you get older , but some things that may seem insignificant are actually quite important to living a long and healthy life . Take time during this month to make note of these useful tips . -Make routine checkups part of your routine : It ’ s easy to put off your regular checkups at the doctor ' s office . It may feel like a hassle , but it could save your life . Your doctor knows your risk factors for various health issues that occur as you age , so keep them in the loop in order to keep yourself healthy . -Be on top of screenings : Similar to your annual checkup , screenings can seem like a chore . Again , you need them ! Especially once you reach 40 , screenings for certain cancers ( lung , colorectal , prostate , and skin ) become even more important . Also be sure to go in for routine blood work , dental , and other routine screenings to get a baseline and keep track of any changes that could point to particular health issues . -Make note of your family ' s medical history : If you aren ’ t already in the know about this , find out now ! Your risk factors can often be traced to the medical history of others in your bloodline . Make sure your primary physician and other doctors are aware of this , as well . -Stay active : This is easier said than done , but the older you get , the more important it is to stay active . This doesn ’ t mean you need to start running half-marathons , but do try for at least 30 minutes of physical activity a day . Now that the summer is here , the options are endless for outdoor activities ! But be sure to build up slowly . Don ’ t overdo it , because doctors ' offices are filled with weekend athletes suffering strains and sprains from using muscles they usually don ' t ! -Learn to manage stress : Men stereotypically accept stress as a normality . Certainly , you can ’ t avoid stressful situations altogether , but you can manage how you handle them . Exercise can help there , as can meditation , a balanced diet , and being open with those around you about your emotions . Mental health is crucial , especially with age .
For more helpful tips , log on to : www . menshealthmonth . org . Please patronize this fine local sponsor of To Your Health :

William R . Forse , Optometrist - family eye care

Complete & Comprehensive Eye Exams • Pediatric Vision Analysis Glaucoma , Cataract , and Retinal Screening • Contact Lenses Wide Selection of Fashion Eyewear • Consultant for Lasik Surgery

PHONE : 570-769-2877

Open : Monday 1 - 7pm , Wednesday 9am - 1pm , and Thursday 9am - 5pm .
Suite 310 , 1 Outlet Lane , McElhattan ( in the UPMC Outpatient Center ) 18 -- “ Good News ” -- June -- www . bearcountrygoodnews . com