Florida Real Property and Business Litigation Report
Fries v . Anderson , Case No . 4D22-650 ( Fla . 4th DCA 2023 ). A request for an award of costs in a pleading does not constitute a request for an award of attorney ’ s fees .
Spanakos v . Hawk Systems , Inc ., Case No . No . 4D22-1717 ( Fla . 4th DCA 2023 ). Proposals for settlement under Florida Statute section 768.79 are permitted in shareholder derivative suits , and such proposals are not invalid simply because court approval of the settlement is required or because there is no allocation to nonparticipating shareholders or the derivative plaintiff .
Edmondson v . Tri-County Electrical Services , Inc ., Case No . 4D23-231 ( Fla . 4th DCA 2023 ). The amount due for a cash bond under Florida Statute section 713.24 cannot be increased after final judgment .
Eckerd Youth Alternatives , Inc . v . The Devereux Foundation , Inc ., Case No . 2D21- 1050 ( Fla . 2d DCA 2023 ). The duty to defend is broader than the duty to indemnify , and an indemnitor faced with a demand where some claims fall under the indemnity provision and some do not should nonetheless defend all claims ( including the non-covered claims ).
Patient Depot , LLC v . Acadia Enterprises , Inc ., Case No . 4D21-1934 ( Fla . 4th DCA 2023 ). Notwithstanding that the information was publicly available , customer lists can nonetheless become a protectible trade secret if the list was created through great expense and effort , included information that was confidential and not available from public sources , and was distilled from larger lists of potential customers into a viable list of customers .
Bar Buddies Mentoring Program
For more information , please visit the Program ' s page available at : www . palmbeachbar . org / bar-buddies-mentoring-program /