JUNE 2023 BAR BULLETIN JUNE 2023 | Page 18

Law Day Luncheon

You could hear a pin drop listening to Linda Dunikowski , Senior Assistant District Attorney of Marietta , Georgia , talk about the murder of Ahmaud Arbery . Ms . Dunikowski was the lead prosecutor in the State v . McMichael and was recently our Law Day Speaker on May 5 th at the Ben Hotel in West Palm Beach .
Adam Rabin , Scott Perry , Jack Rice , Nichole Segal , PBCBA President Scott Smith , Law Day Speaker Linda Dunikowski , PBCBA President-Elect Grasford Smith , Lawonda Warren , Lauren Johnson , and Dean Xenick
Amy Borman and David Prather Doug Clevenger from First Horizon Judge Frank Castor and along with Nelson Baez Wayne Richter