June 2022 | Page 12

for toys that aid learning based on the child ' s development milestones . children ’ s development , creating millions of connections in their brains . This is the time when the foundations for learning , health and behaviour are laid down . Playing with the child is a great relationship builder . Thus , combining play with right stimuli for right development was very important to Tejal . She realised that there are not enough Early Learning Stimuli available to optimise the growing years for her child . This lead to the foundation and formation of Brainsmith in 2016 with Akshay Jalan as the co-founder .
They set up Brainsmith to partner parents in helping children achieve their highest potential using Early Learning Resources and Materials from their headquarters . Their vision at Brainsmith has always been to help young children learn in an honest , factual and most importantly joyous manner . The current product suite at Brainsmith includes a range of flashcards , wooden toys , music toys & nursery furniture that are all designed in a manner that is conducive to learning .
Of all their most iconic offerings are Swoora Range of Musical Instruments along with Quantum Cards . They have been two of their most popular and sought-after product ranges . The Quantum Cards are interactive flashcards for kids right from when they are born , which are important to stimulate the auditory and visual pathways and boost brain development in toddlers and children . On the other hand the Swoora range of musical instruments are different percussion instruments designed for little hands . They are wooden with smooth and rounded edges to ensure safety . With the percussion toys , kids build fine motor skills as they hold and shake the rattles , and also build creativity , auditory skills and help in understanding cause and effect .
Theorists , researchers and practitioners in child development and education have done an exceptional job of extending the view of learning to go beyond memorising academic content , by highlighting that children need to develop a breadth of skills . Today learning has taken a holistic approach which also includes honing their physical , social , emotional , cognitive and creative skills . Play is one of the most crucial aspects and central to the growth & development in the early years of a child ’ s life . At a time when children are still trying to figure out the world around them , play allows children to explore their feelings while also building their physical , cognitive and emotional strength . Independent play fosters creativity , imagination , discipline & problem solving and in playing with others skills like taking instructions , paying attention & memory are developed . Play has a key role in developing , encouraging and promoting these holistic skills from birth and throughout life . The nature of a child ’ s play activities will vary – depending on age , context and culture – and their skills will increase in complexity . However , the basic structures of these skills are present right from early infancy and are supported and strengthened by highquality play experiences .
Tejal believes that the opportunity in the supply chain has widened up especially after the Government ' s Atmanirbhar Bharat Abhiyaan focussed on toys . Government measures have made import of toys prohibitive in India in the last year and a half . This creates a huge opportunity for Indian manufacturers and ancillary industries . The supply chain of toys is dependent on multiple industries as a lot of components go into production of toys like different materials , accessories , printing , etc . There is a major gap in the existing ecosystem , so there is room for a lot of companies to come in and address it . Make in India sell global is also a forum which is opening up as post pandemic all brands are trying to remove dependency on only one country to other countries . India holds a good place to be the alternate option .
Tejal Bajla Co-Founder & CEO Brainsmith
Tejal feels that the scope to grow in the industry is massive , as good quality toys for early learners is at a very nascent stage in India compared to the global market . Today ’ s consumers are more evolved , and they are looking
Page 12 | Kids India E-Magazine - June 2022