Wednesday , June 1 st Book Discussion # 3 12:00 P . M . – 1:00 P . M . Live via Zoom
Thursday , June 2 nd Crininal Law CLE 12:00 P . M . - 1:30 P . M . Judge Collins Courtroom
Thursday , June 2 st DIP Tips & Tools Workshop 12:00 P . M . - 1:30 P . M . Bar Office
Friday , June 3 rd Judge April Bristow Robing Ceremony 4:00 P . M . - 5:00 P . M . Main Courthouse - WPB
Thursday , June 9 th Criminal Law CLE 12:00 P . M . – 1:00 P . M . Live via Zoom
Friday , June 10 th Guardianship CLE 12:00 P . M . - 1:00 P . M . PBC Courthouse - North End of Cafeteria
Saturday , June 11 th Annual Installation Banquet 7:00 P . M . – 10:00 P . M . The Breakers Hotel
Tuesday , June 14 th YLS Board Meeting 12:00 P . M . - 1:00 P . M . Live via Zoom
Wednesday , June 15 th 12:00 P . M . - 1:00 P . M . Committe Chair Orientation Bar Office ( Classroom )
Thursday , June 16 th DIP Wellness Workshop Bar Office ( Classroom )
Monday , June 20 th Juneteenth ( Holiday ) Bar Office Closed - Observed
Tuesday , June 21 st PBCBA Board Meeting 5:00 P . M . - 6:00 P . M . Live via Zoom
Friday , June 24 th YLS Fishing Tourny Captain ' s Meeting 5:30 P . M . - 7:00 P . M . Palm Beach Yacht Club 300 N . Flagler Dr ., WPB , FL 33401
Saturday , June 25 th YLS Fishing Tournament 7:00 A . M . - 7:00 P . M . Palm Beach Yacht Club