Law Day Luncheon
On Friday , May 6th , PBCBA held their Law Day Luncheon at the Marriott in West Palm Beach . This event featured PBCBA Member Spencer Kuvin , Esq . as the Keynote Speaker . Spencer spoke about the Epstein and Cosby cases , including information that we did not read about in the news !
PBCBA Director Lawonda Warren , PBCBA Director Jean Marie Middleton , V . Lynn Whitfield , Kalinthia Dillard and Judge Ori Silver
PBCBA ' s Immediate Past President Dean Xenick with Spencer Kuvin
Ryan Copple and Tana Copple
PBCBA Director Scott Perry , Joshua Resnick and Chelsea Furman
NCS Director Fenya DelFyette , Law Week Chair Kelsey Burke and Dan Zuniga
Taylor Norris and Adriana Clamens