June 2021 | Page 7

Dear members of St . Johns ,
We will be punching the greens next Tuesday and Wednesday . We will do the back nine on the 1st and the front on the 2nd . We are looking forward to some muchneeded cultural practices on the greens after a very busy spring . As intrusive as aerification is to play it is vital to the health of the putting surfaces .
The main goal of aerification is to dilute organic matter within the soil profile . Diluting organic matter by pulling cores and topdressing heavily is beneficial for air movement and drainage . Good roots need oxygen to thrive . Removing organic matter and replacing new sand within the column allows for more pore space which results in increased oxygen and water infiltration within the rootzone .
We completed a bulk fertilizer application on the entire property . The product is a slow-release natural organic nitrogen form which will feed the plant and amend the soil . We are also in the beginning stages of our late spring pre emerge application which will help in keeping the course clean through the summer months .
We look forward to a busy summer season and hopefully some rain at some point .
Thanks ,

Mike O ’ Malley
