www . AmericanSecurityToday . com June 2021 - Edition 55
https :// www . youtube . com / watch ? v = VEysxUNUE-s
( Introducing HID ® ELEMENT , designed for industrial ID and financial card personalization , offering high-resolution , precision UV inkjet printing , optional laser en- graving and an array of encoding options .)
mand for greater speed , reso- lution , higher card output and better cost-per-card econo- my .
Key features that enable a va- riety of configuration op- tions include :
• HID ELEMENT delivers opti- mal card personalization and accommodates projects that require high-resolution UV inkjet printing , laser en- graving or both
• Precision UV-cured , Drop- on-Demand ( DOD ) inkjet card printing
• Options span full-color , over-the-edge or mono