WorkforceID Digital Creden- tial Manager supports more use cases than any other solu- tion in the identity and ac- cess management market by utilizing a converged badge that can securely access the organization ’ s facilities and IT systems .
www . AmericanSecurityToday . com June 2021 - Edition 55
HID ® ELEMENT Industrial ID and Financial Card Per- sonalization
HID ELEMENT ® is a new in- dustrial UV Inkjet printer / encoder / laser engraver , and the industry ’ s first heavy-du- ty , fully modular and scal- able desktop-based card per- sonalization solution that establishes a new category for mid-range and high-vol- ume market segments .
HID ELEMENT ’ s enhanced card production capabilities , flexible system architecture and cost-effective deploy- ment model were designed to empower organizations to create custom secure ID and financial card production solutions for a variety of use cases and applications .
HID ELEMENT delivers opti- mal card personalization and accommodates projects that require high-resolution UV inkjet printing , laser en- graving or both .
Designed to serve govern- ment and financial institu- tions , medium-to-large en- terprise corporations and service bureaus , its best-in-
class features address the de-