June 2021 | Page 50

dential Manager www . AmericanSecurityToday . com June 2021 - Edition 55

HID Global ' s Crescendo ® is a family of credit card-sized smart cards designed to pro- vide versatile and secure IT and physical access control .

Crescendo leverages a state- of the-art smart card plat- form technology to deliver a standards-based solution for strong authentication and data protection .

Crescendo smart cards elim- inate the need to carry mul- tiple credentials or remem- ber multiple passwords or PINs by providing a single card that acts as a contain- er for multiple identifiers

https :// www . youtube . com / watch ? v = mGR3UDDVXiw

( See how the HID Crescendo family of FIDO-enabled smart cards streamline ac- cess for all IT and physical workspaces in a single credential without passwords .)