June 2021 | What Can We Learn from King David? | Page 5

Answer key

heroes of the old testament

Answer key

For each hero on the left , draw a line to the matching deed on the right .
Samson ( Judges 16 ) led an army whose commander was afraid [ Deborah ]
Gideon ( Judges 7 ) destroyed a Philistine temple by pushing over pillars [ Samson ]
Moses ( Exodus 12 ) saved many people from starving during a famine in Egypt [ Joseph ]
Joshua ( Joshua 3 ) led the Israelties into the Promised Land after Moses died [ Joshua ]
Joseph ( Genesis 41 ) defeated a giant warrior named Goliath [ David ]
David ( 1 Samuel 17 ) helped people and animals survive a great flood [ Noah ]
Deborah ( Judges 4 ) used a tent peg to kill the commander of an enemy army [ Jael ]
Abraham ( Genesis 12 ) helped the Israelite spies in Jericho [ Rahab ]
Noah ( Genesis 6 ) led the Israelites out of slavery in Egypt [ Moses ]
Jael ( Judges 4 ) left his country to go live in an unknown land [ Abraham ]
Rahab ( Joshua 2 ) defeated the Midianites by using jars and torches [ Gideon ]
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