June 2021 | What Can We Learn from King David? | Page 2


Topic : The Bible Scripture : Psalm 119:103
Getting Out the Good Stuff
How sweet are your words to my taste , [ O Lord ,] sweeter than honey to my mouth !
— Psalm 119:103
Note : If you plan to do the “ Live It !” activity together as a group , you ’ ll need to get enough honeycombs beforehand so that all the children can have a small piece . Check your local grocery store , or search for “ honeycomb ,” “ comb honey ,” or “ chunk honey ” on the internet to find some in your area .
If you had a treasure map , you ’ d do everything you could to get the treasure , wouldn ’ t you ? Maybe you ’ d find a ship and sail far away to a remote desert island . There you ’ d hike through the jungle for miles , looking for the right spot . Then you ’ d dig and dig in the ground until you found the treasure chest . After all that , you ’ d have to break open the lock . But the treasure would be worth it !
Well , getting all the riches out of your Bible kind of works the same way . It takes some effort on your part . But God has put a lot of good stuff in there , and it ’ s definitely worth doing anything you need to do to get it out .
So what do you need to do ? That ’ s what we ’ re going to find out in today ’ s devotion . It ’ s based on Psalm 119:103 , which says , “ How sweet are your words to my taste , [ O Lord ,] sweeter than honey to my mouth !” This devotion offers another example of the need to make an effort to obtain something valuable . It ’ s called “ Getting Out the Good Stuff .”
Wearing a beekeeper ’ s hat , Patricia watched her uncle . He was taking honeycombs out of one of his beehives . First he used a special can to blow smoke on the hive .
“ What ’ s that for ?” Patricia asked .
As he pulled out the honeycombs , her uncle replied , “ It calms the bees down .” Patricia followed him into a small building . With a big knife , he cut off the wax caps that sealed the honeycombs . Then he loaded the honeycombs into a machine . It spun them fast , removing the honey . The golden liquid was filtered as it flowed out .
“ Try some ,” he said , filling a little paper cup . Patricia tasted the honey , and it was delicious .
Beekeepers go to a lot of trouble to get honey out of a honeycomb . Are you trying hard to get the good stuff out of your Bible ? It ’ s full of great things , like God ’ s precious promises , inspiring stories , and wise rules for living . Don ’ t let your Bible just sit on your bookshelf . Crack it open , and do your best to get everything you can out of it .
Copyright © 2011 by Zondervan
Material taken from the NIV Adventure Bible Book of Devotions