June 2019 AST Magazine June 2019 AST Magazine | Page 49
June 2019 - Edition 34
Airports can cov-
er over 1 million
square foot per
terminal and mul-
tiple concourses
and hundred’s of
gates with the abil-
ity to accommodate
over 100 aircrafts, Exhibit A: TiniFiber reclaiming sizable space back in conduits and pathways
and incorporate miles of cabling The information/communication path-
throughout the pathways and con- ways for the myriad of devices served
duits to support the airport’s infra- through fiber optics pass through the
structure for communication and overhead trays, in the wall conduits and
pathways as well as the conduits carry-
ing the miles of cable between build-
Additionally, many airports lease space ings, concourse terminals and tower.
to a myriad of agencies such as the Fed-
eral Bureau of Investigation (FBI), Additionally, many infrastructure team
Federal Aviation Administration members are cognizant of the impor-
(FAA), and Transportation Security Ad- tance of future proofing the pathways
ministration (TSA), that adds stress to as much as possible.
the bandwidth.
To do that meant the use of the small-
The challenge for the cabling optimi- est outer diameter fiber optic jacket
zation falls squarely on the Airport’s that will allow room for future cabling
without disturbing existing fiber.
Infrastructure Team.