June 2019 AST Magazine June 2019 AST Magazine | Page 47
TiniFiber has provided a solution
that can be installed in crowded path-
ways and spaces that gives the air-
ports the opportunity to migrate to
a new platform.
June 2019 - Edition 34
highly protected fiber optic backbone is
considered a key component in meet-
ing the goals and objectives of any Air-
port Infrastructure Team.
Common Airport Goals & Objec-
This in turn gives installers the option tives
to remove the outdated AIA fiber that
Many airport’s objectives whom are in ex-
is no longer needed, thus, reclaiming pansion is to utilize the latest technolo-
valuable pathway space.
gies from security, data centers, DAS,
The fact that TiniFiber is so small Wi-Fi, digital signage as well as some
and yet, well armored is a bonus. special amenities.
Key amenity features such as multiple
Space for technology – is at a premi-
UBS ports and standard power outlet
um in the majority of airport termi-
for charging phones, tablets and
nals, so every square inch’s counts.
laptops need additional fiber optics
This concept of a well-organized and to support these functions.